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(掲載日時 2010/12/06 )

情報科学研究科学術講演会「In Search of Design Inspiration: A Semantic-based Retrieval in Support」(Dr. Rossi Setchi)を12月16日(木)に開催します。

[日時] 2010年12月16日(木) 14時~15時
[講演タイトル] In Search of Design Inspiration: A Semantic-based Retrieval in Support of Concept Design
[講演者] Dr. Rossi Setchi (Cardiff University, UK)
[場所] 名古屋大学 IB電子情報館中棟1階 013講義室
[お問い合わせ先] 名古屋大学 大学院情報科学研究科 小尻智子
[コメント] 参加費は無料です。どなたでもご聴講頂けます。奮ってご参加ください。
Sources of inspiration help designers to define the context of their designs and reflect on the emotional impact of their new products. By observing and interpreting sources of inspiration, designers form vocabularies of terms, pallets of colours, or mood boards with images, which express their feelings, inspire their creativity and help them communicate design concepts. This talk focuses on the use of semantic technology for developing computational tools in support of designers’ creativity. In particular, it will highlight the importance of providing designers with a degree of diversity, ambiguity and uncertainty in the information gathering and idea generation process.
In her talk, Dr Setchi will also highlight the potential of semantic technology in interpreting aspects of human behaviour that cannot be explained by traditional methods. In particular, the latest research in computational creativity, emotional intelligence, and affective computing demonstrates that models of creativity and emotions can be used to model imagination: a phenomenon that has, until now, remained
outside the reach of AI research. Computational imagination will challenge traditional AI as a discipline and will change its nature by introducing ‘real-world reasoning’ which is highly situated and contextualised. Another challenge is associated with the development of appropriate reasoning techniques for generating sequences of semantically linked scenes, expressed both visually and linguistically.

開催日:2010年12月16日(木) 14時~15時