(掲載日時 2013/05/27 )
「ニュースコンテンツに関する情報検索」に関する音声映像科学学際セミナーを 7月12日(金)に開催します。
[日 時] 2013年 7月12日(金)16時30分-17時30分
[講演タイトル]Disputant relation-based classification for contrasting opposing views of contentious news issues
[講演者] Kyung Soon LEE 准教授(韓国・国立全北大学校・計算機理工学科)
[概 要] In this talk, the speaker presents a disputant relation-based classification for contrasting opposing views of contentious news issues. Contentious news issues, such as the health care reform debate, draws much interest from the public. However, it is not simple for an ordinary user to search and contrast the opposing arguments and have a comprehensive understanding of the issues. Providing a classified view of the opposing views of the issues can help readers to easily understand the issue from multiple perspectives. The speaker presents disputant relation-based method for classifying news articles on contentious issues. We observe that the disputants of a contention are an important feature to understand the discourse. It performs unsupervised classification on news articles based on disputant relations, and helps readers intuitively view the articles through the opponent-based frame and attain balanced understanding, free from a specific biased viewpoint. The method is performed in three stages; disputant extraction, disputant partitioning, and article classification. The speaker applied a modified version of HITS algorithm and an SVM classifier trained with pseudo-relevant data for article analysis. The speaker conducted an accuracy analysis and an upper bound analysis for evaluation of the method.
[場 所] 名古屋大学 工学部 IB電子情報館中棟1階 IB014講義室
[主 催] IEEE名古屋支部
[共 催] 名古屋大学 大学院情報科学研究科
[お問い合わせ先] 井手一郎准教授(名古屋大学 大学院情報科学研究科/電子メール:ide@is.nagoya-u.ac.jp)
[コメント] 参加費は無料です。どなたでもご聴講頂けます。奮ってご参加ください。
開催日:2013/ 7/12