(Updated 2014/02/10 )
The Real-World Data Circulation Seminar will be held on February 24th.
The Real-World Data Circulation Seminar
The Real-World Data Circulation Seminar will be held on February 24th by having Dr. Matsushita and Dr. Arase from Microsoft Research Asia. You are always welcomed.
Data:February 24th, 2014
Place:Integrated Building(Central) IB015, Higashiyama Campus, Nagoya University
Speakers: Dr. Yasuyuki Matsushita (Microsoft Research, Asia Senior Researcher)
Dr. Yuki Arase (Microsoft Research Asia, Associate Researcher)
Presented By: Graduate program for Real-World Data Circulation Leader,
Program for Leading Graduate Schools, Nagoya University
Sponsored By: IEEE Nagoya Selection
Contact:Dr Ichiro ide
Graduate School of Information Science
Dates:February 24th, 2014