時限 |
内容 |
テキスト |
月曜3限 |
心の哲学 |
Tim Bayne (2021) Philosophy of Mind: An Introduction , Routledge. |
火曜2限 |
哲学史 |
Anthony Kenny (2006) A New History of Western Philosophy Volume 3; The Rise of Modern Philosophy, Oxford University Press. |
火曜3限 |
認識論 |
Edeited by Kevin McCain and Kostas Kampouraskis (2019) What is Scientific Knowledge? An introduction to Contemporary Epistemology of Science , Routledge. |
水曜2限 |
代数学 |
小野 寛晰(1994)『情報数学講座 (第2巻) 情報代数』、共立出版。 |
水曜3限 |
論理学 |
Theodore Sider (2009) Logic for Philosophy , Oxford University Press. |
隔週水曜3限 |
情報倫理 |
Edited by L. Floridi (2010) The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics . |
水曜4限 |
技術哲学原論文輪読 |
Coeckelbergh, M., and Funk, M., (2018) "Wittgenstein as a Philosopher of Technology: Tool Use, Forms of Life, Technique, and a Transcendental Argument," Human Studies: A Journal for Philosophy and the Social Sciences Vol.41, pp.165-191 , Oxford University Press. 他 |
木曜3限 |
科学哲学 |
Potters, Jan and Simons, Massimiliano (2023) "We Have Never Been “New Experimentalists”: On the Rise and Fall of the Turn to Experimentation in the 1980s," The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science Vol.13(1), pp.91-119 , The University of Chicago Press. |
金曜2限 |
分析哲学 |
Daniel Z. Korman (2022) Learning from Arguments: An Introduction to Philosophy , PhilPapers Foundation. |
金曜3限 |
技術哲学 |
Shannon Vallor (2016) Technology and the Virtues , Oxford University Press. |