2015年07月03日ブシェーミ・フランチェスコ 准教授 (計算機数理科学専攻)
Picture 1: the scenic view of King's College from the river Cam.
Starting from 15 June 2014, the Graduate School of Information Science gave me the opportunity to spend a three-month research period in beautiful Cambridge, UK, working with Dr. Nilanjana Datta, at the Statistical Laboratory of the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics of the University, where I was postdoctoral fellow between 2008 and 2009 before moving to Nagoya University.
During my stay at the Statistical Laboratory, I could entirely focus on my research activities, which lie at the interface between Information Theory and Physics, enjoying many enlightening discussions with the people working at the “Centre for Quantum Information and Foundations” (CQIF) of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. In particular, I worked at the characterization of memoryless stochastic processes, eventually proving that they essentially coincide with those that always satisfying the data-processing inequality. This came as a surprising result because, even though all memoryless processes trivially satisfy the data-processing inequality, the converse was thought not to hold in general. On the contrary, it turned out that the converse also holds, namely, that if a stochastic process always satisfy the data-processing inequality, then it can be `embedded’ into a memoryless process (typically a Markov chain).
The quiet research environment provided by Cambridge and its University, and the scientific exchanges with many colleagues there, definitely contributed in shaping my research. I am therefore deeply grateful to Dr. Nilanjana Datta, the Statistical Laboratory, and the CQIF members for their kind hospitality, and to our Graduate School for supporting my stay through its dedicated program.